Status of youth in different areas
. Status of youth in different
1. Poverty:
Data from 2002 indicates that some 209 million young people, or 18% of all
youth live on less than US $ 1 per day, and, and 515 million live on less than
US$ 2per day. (United Nations, 2004b).
2. Education:
Since 1995, the number of children completing primary school has continued to
increase. The current generation of youth is the best educated so far. However,
113 million children are not in school, and 130 million young people are
illiterate. (UNESCO, 1995)
3. Employment:
In spite of progress achieved in education, global youth unemployment has
increased to a record high of 88 million. Rate of unemployment are highest in
Western Asia, North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. (ILO, 2004, p. 12)
4. Health:
Premarital sexual relations appear to be increasing among youth. Although early
pregnancy has declined in many countries.HIV/AIDS is the primary cause of
mortality among youth, followed by violence and injuries.(UN, 2005)
· ILO. (2004). Employment Youth Statistic, young people today , p 12
· UN,
(2005). World Youth Report Role of youth In Peace Building;
· UN. (2005). World Youth Report, pg 73
· UN. (2005). World Youth Report, young people today, pg 73, 74, 133
· Center Department of Population Studies, ‘Youth definition of
UNESCO’ Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur Kathmandu, Population magazine vol. IV,