Role of youth in development
1. Role of youth in environmental
people have a strong interest in protection and conservation of the
environment. Environmental education has steadily grown over the past decade
through its inclusion in both school curricula and informal education
programmers. This concept was brought by the youth, for the youth.
World Program of Action proposes strengthening the participation of young
people in the protection, preservation and improvement of the environment.
Youth have been and continue to be actively involved in implementing
environmental projects and in identifying new strategies for addressing
environmental problems. For the environmental conservation youth can play roles
as counselor, mobilizer, advocator etc. (WSSD, 2002)
Role of youth in decision making;
past decade has seen a growing acceptance of the importance of the young
people’s participation in decision making, and successful efforts to engage
youth people in the political process have led to improved policy formulation,
adoption, implementation and evaluation.
nation efforts to include youth in decision making, consideration must be given
to the changes occurring in the political attitudes of young people and in the
patterns and structure of the youth movements. For the different level of
decision making youth can act as a leader, facilitator, advisor etc. (World Youth Report, 2005 pg 73)
Role of youth in Peace Building;
plays a vital role in peace keeping. The peace process becomes easier and
simplified when role of youth is ensured at various levels of the peace
process. Youth are not just beneficiaries, they are the partners of decision
making in peace process.
peace and development are inter-related, youth’s meaningful participation can
make peace process much easier. For peace process youth’s participation in
political, economic, social and cultural part is necessary. Peaceful
environment is a need of today, to achieve this youth can be part of peace
process for decision making. They can act as leader, advocator, mediator etc. (World
Youth Report, 2005 pg 74)
4. Role
of youth in health sector:
the state provides a place for the youth to receive information and appropriate
services on sexual and reproductive health, youth can be self aware and it will
gradually reduce the health problem in the country. (World youth Report, 2005b,
pg 133)
the services are provided as per the age group of the youth, the result is
supposed to be better. This can help reduce the mental problems and drug abuse
in youth. If a youth is aware he/she can prevent 10 youths from being victim of
any kind of sexual health issue. To upgrade the standard of health facilities
in the country, youth can be engaged as counselor, health service provider,
health facilitator etc. (The Charter of Nepali Youth, 2010, pg8)
5. Role of youth in Education;
and technical education is the need of the day. Education can make youth self
employed. They can be turned into a productive citizen for the country.
International training and opportunity for exchange of visits and experience
can be created by youth. These help to gain much knowledge which is useful for
any nation’s political, economic, and cultural development. Youth can be a part
of education network by being a trainer, teacher, peer educator etc. (United Nation Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization).
youth can be trained with non-formal education that is unable to go to school
due to livelihood problems. Non-formal education will help them to raise their
standard of living; as a result county is developed. (The Charter of Nepalese
Youth, 2005)
these areas youth can be involved in areas like employment, human right,
globalization and further more issues of the country by playing roles of peer
educator, mobilizer, counselor, advisor, advocator, facilitator, mediator,
leader and as governmental/ nongovernmental officers.
· Youth Organization. (2010). The Charter of Nepali Youth, Nepal, pg. 8
· WSSD. (2002). Youth Role in Environmental Conservation: World Summit
on Sustainable Development Jonesburg.
· UN,
(2005). World Youth Report Role of youth In Peace Building;