Conflict and Conflict management way in the organization
Management in Organization:
is a disagreement among two or more people, group or organizations. This disagreement may be relatively
superficial or very strong. It may be short lived or exist for months or even
years, and it may be work related or personal. Conflict may arise in both
interpersonal and intergroup relationships. Occasionally conflict between
individuals and groups may be caused by particular organizational strategies, practices
and its environment. Basically, there common approaches used for conflict
management which basic conflict management strategies can be grouped into following
1. The win/ lose strategy :
This approach eliminates the
conflict by having one individual ‘win’ over the other.
2. The lose/lose strategy:
This approach eliminates the
conflict by having both individuals or parties ‘lose’ sometime
3. The win/ win strategy:
The conflict is eliminated when all
individuals or parties accept a mutually satisfying solution arrived through a
step-by-step, problem solving process.
of conflict in organization
(2005) has mention four types of conflict in organization (P.632-638). They are
as follow:
1. Internal conflict:
It is a conflict within oneself. Everyone
has experienced internal conflict once in their life. It is mainly due to the
low confidence and low self- esteem.
2. Interpersonal conflict:
Conflict between two or more
individuals in organization due to the variety in perceptions, goals, motives
and attitude among member and staff of the organization. Conflict may also
arise between people who have different beliefs or perceptions about some
aspect of their work or their organization. Conflict can also result from excess
competitiveness among individuals. “Personality Clash” is an example of the
interpersonal conflict. It is a conflict between two people who distrust each
other’s motives, dislike other, or for some reason simply cannot get along.
3. Intergroup conflict:
It is conflict between two or
more organizational groups. Many intergroup conflicts arise from organizational
causes than interpersonal causes. Just liked people, different departments or
groups often have different goal, needs and working style. For example, group
of social worker disagree with administrative and management group.
4. Conflict between organization and
It is a conflict between
organization and other elements of its environment. For example, conflict
between one organization to another organization due to business competition. This
type of conflict is called inter organizational conflict between organization
to consumer group or client, stakeholder etc.
Reference: Griffin.R.W.(2005).
Management (8th ed.) New Delhi: Biztantra