Principles of IFSW

Principles of IFSW (International Federation of Social Workers)

1. Recognition of the inherent dignity of humanity: SW recognize the respect the inherent dignity and worth of all human beings in attitude, work. And we respect all persons, but we challenge beliefs and actions of those persons who devalue (undervalue) or stigmatize themselves or other person.

2. Promoting human rights: SW embrace and promote the fundamental and inalienable rights of all human being. SW is based on respect for the inherent worth, dignity of all people and the individual and social/civil rights that follow from this. SW often work with people to find an appropriate balance competing human rights.

3. Promoting Social Justice: SW have responsibility to engage people in achieving social justice, in                    relation to society generally, and in relation to the people with whom they work. This means;

3.1. Challenging discrimination and institutional oppression: SW promote social justice in relation to society general and to the people with whom they work. SW challenge discrimination, which includes but is not limited to age, capacity, civil status, class, culture, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, language, nationality, opinions, other physical characteristics, physical or mental abilities, political beliefs, poverty, race, relationship status, religion, sex, sexual orientation, soci-economic status, spiritual beliefs, or family structure.

3.2. Respect for Diversity: SW work towards strengthening inclusive communities that respect the ethic and cultural diversity of societies, taking account of individual, family, group, and community differences.

3.3. Access to Equitable Resources: SW advocate and work towards access and the equitable distribution of resources and wealth.

3.4. Challenging unjust policies and practices: SW work to bring to the attention of their employers, policymakers, politicians and the public situations in which policies and resources are inadequate or in which policies and practices are oppressive, unfair, or harmful. In doing so, SW must not be penalized.

3.5. Building Solidarity: SW actively work actively work in communities and with their colleagues, within and outside of the profession, to build networks of solidarity to work toward transformational change and inclusive and responsible societies.

4. Promoting the Right to Self Determination: SW respect and promote people’s rights to make their own choices and decisions, provided this does not threaten the rights and legitimate interests of others.

5. Promoting the Right to Participation: SW work towards building the self-esteem and capabilities of people, promoting their full involvement and participation in all respects of decision and actions that affect their lives.

6. Respect for Confidentiality and Privacy:

i.SW respect and work in accordance with people’s rights to confidentiality and privacy unless there is
risk of harm to the self or to others or other statutory (legal) restriction.
ii.SW inform the people with whom they engage about such limits to confidentiality and privacy.
7. Treating people as whole persons: SW recognize the biological, psychological, social and
spiritual dimensions of people’s lives and understand the treat all people as whole persons. Such
recognition is used to formulate holistic assessments and interventions with the full participation of
people, organization, and communities with whom social worker engage.
8. Ethical use of technology and social media:
i.The ethical principles in this statement apply to all contexts of social work practice, education, and
research, whether it involves direct face to face contact or through use of digital technology and social
ii.SW must recognize that the sue of digital technology and social medical may pose threats to  the
practice of many ethical standards including but not limited to privacy and confidentiality, conflicts of
interest, competence and documentation and must obtain the necessary knowledge and skills to guard
against unethical practice when using technology.
9. Professional Integrity:
i.It is the responsibility of national associations and organizations to develop and regularly update their
own codes of ethics or ethical guidelines, to be consistent with this statement considering local situation.
ii.SW must hold the required qualification and develop and maintain the required skills and
competencies to do their job.
iii.SW support peace and nonviolence, social workers may alongside military personnel for humanitarian
purposes and work toward peace building and reconstruction.
iv.SW must act with integrity
v.SW recognize that the giving the receiving of small gifts is a part of the social work and cultural experience in some cultures and countries.
vi.SW have a duty to take the necessary steps to care for themselves professionally and personally in the workplace, in their private lives and in society.
                (SW=Social Worker)


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