Elements of Social Work
Elements of Social Work
Generally, element is an essential part or characteristic of something. Social work also has certain elements that are essential component for the social work practices. Element provides family support, counseling and consultation from the social worker. We believe that every client will be empowered and enhance their well being and improve the quality of their lives.
1. Client (People)
A client can be a male, female of third gender individual, who may be of any age that is willing to take human/social welfare services. So, as to cope up/ adjust with his/her problematic situation or to solve it as much as possible. So it is to be understood that a client is a person who has problem(s) (Bothering him/her in performing one’s social roles) and has agreed to take services from a human/social welfare agency in order to maintain ones social functioning and roles.
2. Social Worker (Professional)
A social worker is a professional individual who has knowledge, skills, awareness and ethics and puts them into practice to help individual client, family, group, communities to get out of problematic situations. Beside problem solving implications, a social worker performs the roles of a moderator/facilitator, educator, advocate etc. depending on the requirements and context of the situation he/she has to provide service for. Similarly, a social worker also has specialized knowledge and skills and can be the practitioner of his/her specialization which is intended to work at individual, family, group, community or policy level.
33. Issues ( Problem)
Problem is to be perceived as stressful individuals, families, groups or communities are facing which results in the dysfunction of them. Such a situation puts individuals in a condition that they become unable to fulfill their social roles and functioning well. A problem can arise out of a number of factors such as environment, perception of individual regarding certain situation, interaction between and feedback of various social components to none another, lack of knowledge, skills awareness or opportunities etc.
4. Values
Social work values are beliefs and standards which are regarded as good and desirable. They represent a purpose of goal towards which the social worker’s action will be directed. NASW has set some core values which can be given below.
i. Service
ii. Social justice
iii. Importance Human relationships
iv. Integrity
v. Competence
vi. Dignity and worth of the person
55. Knowledge
Knowledge refers to verifiable experience and appear in the form of rigorous statements that are made as objective as possible. The propositions regarded as verifiable by science and search that are intended to be verified are considered to be knowledge. Theories, methods, models, practice, approach, tools, techniques are some examples of knowledge in social work. They are produced from research, working experiences, while some knowledge is derived from other social sciences such as sociology, psychology, economics, law etc. as social work is an multidisciplinary field.
66. Relationship
Perhaps the most fundamental tools of social workers trade is the use of positive relationship to help people become open to change and activity engage in the social work process. To develop the effective relationship social worker most know the three major factor or characteristics.
i. Empathy
ii. Warmth
iii. Genuineness