
Showing posts from November, 2019

Social Work as an independent discipline

Social Work is an independent social science: As an independent science it has its own different kind of social field, frontier, history, philosophy, knowledge, principles, code of ethics, values, systems, tools, techniques, and methods. And it’s not a branch of any other sciences. The subject matter of this discipline is concerned with interaction between people and their environment which affects the ability of people to accomplish their life tasks, alleviate distress, and realize their aspirations and values. As a social science, it has scientific methods to deal with social problem related to individual, family, group and community. The Social Work has its’ own characteristics and due to its distinct characteristics, the Social Work known as independent discipline. The major characteristics are mentioned below with the ideas of Farkey O. William. A)     Focus in on the wholeness and totality of the person; (Need to understand about person and his/her surroun...

New Social Work Syllabus 2019 (TU)
